Enabling Individual Wellness through Computational Systems Biology, Cloud Analytics, Wearables, Machine Learning and More
Riaan Conradie, LifeQ
Nathan Price, Institute for Systems Biology
Mark Rolston, argodesign
Matt Park, Dacadoo Americas
Mikey Siegel, Consciousness Hacking
Brad Perkins, Human Longevity, Inc.
Walter De Brouwer, doc.ai/Scanadu
Kevin Shaw, Algorithmic Intuition
Stanley Yang, NeuroSky
Winslow Strong, Palo Alto Neuroscience
Ingrid Edshteyn, ACLM/Valia Lifestyle
Matthew Diamond, Misfit/NYU Hospital
Jim Doscher, Analog Devices
Sandro Mur, Bellabeat
Ingrid Edshteyn, ACLM/Valia Lifestyle
Mark Rolston, argodesign
Nathan Price, Institute for Systems Biology
Kevin Shaw, Algorithmic Intuition
Winslow Strong, Palo Alto Neuroscience
Stanley Yang, NeuroSky
Matt Park, Dacadoo Americas
Matthew Diamond, Misfit/NYU Hospital
Mikey Siegel, Consciousness Hacking
Jim Doscher, Analog Devices
Walter De Brouwer, doc.ai/Scanadu
Brad Perkins, Human Longevity, Inc.
Sandro Mur, Bellabeat
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It is within our capacity that by the year 2051 that 51 percent of the human population will be flourishing.- MARTIN SELIGMAN