Real-Time Health Scoring and Mobile Lifestyle Navigation
Matt Park Dacadoo Americas
Peter Ohnemus has been dealing with big data all his life, which he started with building a company called SQL Group that he sold to Sybase Inc. in the early 90s. In Peter’s previous company Asset4, he was rating and benchmarking the world’s 4’000 largest companies based on their sustainability. He sold Asset4 to Thomson Reuters and started working on Health Scoring in 2010. This was driven by his interest of providing a better and more efficient healthcare infrastructure in the Western world. Peter was disturbed by the fact that our welfare state has been providing healthcare since the invention of the health insurance by Otto von Bismarck without anyone thinking about what is a real health outcome and how can we provide quality health outcome across society at an affordable range. Peter developed the Health Score based on 100 million man years of clinical data and made it his life mission to provide a Health Score, which could be integrated into the existing analog healthcare system, but providing a mobile and digital Lifestyle Navigation System based on give me a number, I understand (Health Score) and help me navigate to a healthier and hopefully happier life.