Full Biography

Doug Daugherty

Founding Partner/Psychologist


Doug is a licensed psychologist and professor of Psychology and Addictions. His current research is primarily in the area of ecological momentary assessment (EMA) and ecological momentary intervention (EMI) utilizing smartphones (as a way to understand and influence behavior in real-time and real-place). He’s especially interested in using the smartphone as a mean of extending the reach of positive psychology and psychotherapy; and the study of virtues and human flourishing, including the study of spiritual exemplars.

Doug and his colleagues share a common interest in human flourishing. In 2010, casual conversations over coffee led to research meetings and the establishment of a lab and the group landed a grant to study modern day saints and their lives of virtue, resilience and flourishing. This project resulted in the development of the iHabit app as a means of conducting in-the-moment assessments and interventions (EMA/EMI). Their work continues through LifeData LLC, the RealLife Exp app and the LifeData web-based system. Doug continues to have a keen interest in smartphone possibilities for delivering positive interventions; encouraging human flourishing.


| Using Smartphones-Sensors to Promote Psychological Resilience |