Victor Chapela
Victor Chapela has over 25 years of IT experience and entrepreneurship. During this time, he has founded and led 6 technology companies in the United States and Mexico. As the founder and CEO of these companies he has mainly been involved in the design and development of software products and specialized services for the financial industry and large corporations. His latest companies: Sm4rt Security Services and Sm4rt Predictive Systems were both acquired in 2014. He has since founded Suggestic Inc, a Palo Alto, CA company that is trying to help eradicate disease. To do so, they are starting by helping people manage and revert their diabetes type 2. They are building a Personalized Advisor that incorporates each person’s preferences, genome, micro-biome, health and activity data to suggest in real-time the best meals and exercise for each individual. Suggestic uses Deep Artificial Intelligence to personalize suggestion by leveraging the person’s genomic, feedback and sensor data and combining it with the latest peered review health research.
Mr. Chapela is an active angel investor and mentor in the Silicon Valley area. His main expertise lies within the area of information security, risk modeling, predictive analytics and machine learning. He is co-author and contributor of courseware, study material and papers for SANS, OWASP, ISACA, Springer and several other organizations and media companies. He is a frequent speaker at international events and is frequently featured in business and trade magazines, television and radio.