Tag: Mobile
Introducing Wellness as a Service (WaaS)
Yesterday I had the summit tagline changed to "Wellness as a Service (WaaS) Summit”. This was because nothing else was quite working. It was not randomly plucked out of a hat as a marketing buzz phrase. Rather I coined it as the result of arduous labor.
Up until that conceptual barrier was broken through, something kept popping up which indicated misalignment. This was causing me alarm, distress and lost time. I knew at some level something was not quite right but I could not get a better handle on it. That was until a few days ago when I had the unexpected realization that a Wellness... Read MoreIntroducing Wellness as a Service (WaaS)
Mobile and Wearables for Health, Wellness and Optimal Living Manifesto Draft V1.2
The first draft manifesto has been marginally updated (please see the original for an introductory cover letter). All changes herein were made to improve the readability of the text. No technical changes were made. Already in the pipeline is another version with technical changes 1) clarifying how insurance incentivizes are often not aligned with the long-term health of the individual 2) clarification... Read MoreMobile and Wearables for Health, Wellness and Optimal Living Manifesto Draft V1.2
New Health, Wellness and Optimal Living Economy Manifesto Draft V1.1
(A PDF version of this document is available) “I believe Lee’s Hyper Wellbeing vision is as profound and prophetic as, say, those offered in the 1960s with the rise of cyberspace and hypertext.” — Martin Geddes I’ve spent the past five or so years in wide-ranging contemplation and research. This was a luxury I kindly afforded myself. Attached are 29 informally... Read MoreNew Health, Wellness and Optimal Living Economy Manifesto Draft V1.1
New Biosensors for Wearables and Mobile Arriving Soon – an Interview with Stanley Yang
Stanley Yang (CEO of NeuroSky) shares some forthcoming breakthroughs and advances in biosensors coming to market soon.
I recently held a video call based interview with Stanley Yang, CEO of biosensing company NeuroSky. Stanley made a number of product revelations of interest: A cell phone that has extra sensors built-in for tracking stress and health. A new shirt that not only monitors your cardio signals but knows your gestures/motion (without requiring the use of a video camera). A new five-in-one... Read MoreNew Biosensors for Wearables and Mobile Arriving Soon – an Interview with Stanley Yang
Why Hyper Wellbeing is the Future of Mobile Part 2: The Networked Renaissance
Recently I was interviewed by Martin Geddes. He’s been splitting the interview up and releasing in parts since. I felt the latest segment, part 2 was of particular interest because it provides some of the wider framing or context that the event fits into. He kindly agreed that I may cross-publish it here. You have undertaken a vast multi-year self-education on... Read MoreWhy Hyper Wellbeing is the Future of Mobile Part 2: The Networked Renaissance
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