Tag: Machine Learning
Deep Biomarkers of Aging and Longevity – EP20: Polina Mamoshina (Deep Longevity)
In this twentieth episode, Polina Mamoshina introduces recently launched Deep Longevity, and its app (young.ai). Biomarkers of aging are introduced. She explains that they have taken a superior approach by using deep learning instead of machine learning. Aging clocks in general are covered. Finally, she shares her view that transcriptomic and proteonomic clocks are the likely future.
Lee: Hello, Polina, and welcome as guest number 20 on Quantified Health, Wellness & Aging Podcast. Polina: Hi, Lee. It’s my pleasure to be here. Lee: So, first of all, where are you? Polina: Well, I’m currently in Moscow, in Russia. So back to my hometown. Lee: Oh, I didn’t realize that. For some reason, I thought you were in... Read MoreDeep Biomarkers of Aging and Longevity – EP20: Polina Mamoshina (Deep Longevity)
Genetically Modifying Humans to Reverse Aging – Today – EP15: Liz Parrish (BioViva)
In this fifteenth episode, Liz Parrish shares her quest for radical life extension and details her two completed gene therapies. She describes the regenerative medical tourism available today for increased lifespan and costs. She relates her company's mission to create a human that regenerates faster than they degenerate. She details her upcoming gene therapies, including upgraded IQ.
Lee: Hello and welcome to the Quantified Health, Wellness and Aging podcast, Liz. Liz: Thanks for having me, Lee. It’s great to be here. Lee: I greatly appreciate having you. I’ll jump straight in here. In two thousand and… I almost said 2005… 2015, you flew to Bogota, Colombia and you made controversial medical history. You were a self-appointed guinea... Read MoreGenetically Modifying Humans to Reverse Aging – Today – EP15: Liz Parrish (BioViva)
Injectable Biosensors – EP08: Ben Hwang (Profusa)
In this eighth episode, Ben Hwang, Chairman & CEO of Profusa, provides an overview of injectable biosensors. He explains that the technology enables a model akin to getting a blood test every few seconds of our life (rather than only every few years when sick). He predicts that this “unlocked stream of biochemistry data” will become married to other data (e.g. our voice patterns) to provide a panoramic view of our health and wellbeing.
Lee: On today’s show, we have Ben Hwang, who is the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Profusa. From his early exposure as an undergraduate research fellow at the lab of Leroy Hood at Caltech, where the automated DNA sequencer was developed, to bringing cutting edge life science tools to the market at Life Technologies Corp, acquired by Thermo Fisher... Read MoreInjectable Biosensors – EP08: Ben Hwang (Profusa)
Engineering Sustained Health Using A.I. & Standard Blood Chemistry – EP06: Tommy Wood (NBT)
In this sixth episode, Tommy Wood, CSO Nourish Balance Thrive, explains that the majority of modern disease is caused by our environment and as such, under our control. He shares his experience that A.I. coupled with ordinary blood tests, can inform us of changes we can make to protect/optimize our health, or when sick, lower the cost by predicting which further tests to conduct.
Lee: Hello, and welcome to the Hyper Wellbeing podcast, Tommy. Tommy: Oh, thanks for having me. Lee: Tommy, let’s just jump in here. You still look young, you’ve got a fantastic resume, or as the British would say, I think, curriculum vitae. Where is the motivation coming from? What’s your driving force? What’s the mission you’re on? Tommy: I guess... Read MoreEngineering Sustained Health Using A.I. & Standard Blood Chemistry – EP06: Tommy Wood (NBT)
Augmenting Humanity with Machine Learning for Health & Happiness
For a number of years now a dear friend (who’ll remain nameless) has barraged me to write. Today I finally decided to give in under the conditions that it only be a thought snippet or musing (100-700 words) each week day. [April 21, 2016: lets make that 500-1500 words weekly instead] He has lamented that my modus operandi the past... Read MoreAugmenting Humanity with Machine Learning for Health & Happiness