Tag: disease
You Should Measure the Length of Your Critically-Short Telomeres – EP19: Stephen Matlin (Life Length)
In this nineteenth episode, Stephen Matlin introduces telomere biology. He details how testing services typically use Q-PCR which provides an average telomere length and why that doesn't really mean anything. Instead the percentage of critically-short, measured using Q-FISH, does. Finally he chats about supplements - telomerase inducers - for growth.
Lee: Hi, Steve, and welcome as guest number 19 on the Quantified Health, Wellness, and Aging Podcast. Hi, Steve. Steve: Good morning, Lee. Thanks for having me on. Lee: It’s a pleasure. I have wanted you on for quite some time. I came across Life Length a number of years ago. I don’t know if you can remember how I... Read MoreYou Should Measure the Length of Your Critically-Short Telomeres – EP19: Stephen Matlin (Life Length)
Measure Glycans to Know How Much Healthy Life You’ve Already Consumed – EP17: Gordan Lauc (Genos)
In this seventeenth episode, Gordon Lauc introduces glycobiology. He details GlycanAge®, the world’s first direct-to-consumer glycan-based product. He explains that it can quantify how well interventions (e.g. supplements) work for you as an individual, and how much healthy life you’ve got left. Finally he details a potential COVID-19 glycan biomarker to accurately assess your risk.
Lee: Hello Gordan, and welcome to the 17th episode of the Quantified Health, Wellness, and Aging podcast. Gordan: Hi Lee, thank you for the invitation. Lee: Most appreciated. I was surprised that you’re over in Zagreb, which is, I would say about less than 90 minutes away from where I am. Gordan: Well, Zagreb is a nice location. It has... Read MoreMeasure Glycans to Know How Much Healthy Life You’ve Already Consumed – EP17: Gordan Lauc (Genos)
Coronavirus Lockdowns Were a Mistake. The Media is Continuing to Mislead – EP16: Knut Wittkowski (ASDERA)
In this sixteenth episode, Knut Wittkowski shares his expert view that lockdowns were not necessary. That he can’t figure out a single justification for extending them. That there is no “second wave”. That there is no viable option other than herd immunity, and that by prolonging the pandemic, we are putting the vulnerable at greater risk.
Lee: This is a rather unexpected interview, and it was just less than an hour ago, I said, “Hey, would you like to be a podcast guest?” And you said “Yes, now.” So, I rushed the dinner out of the oven and ate it in a hasty manner and jumped to a PC. I don’t have the most ideal environment... Read MoreCoronavirus Lockdowns Were a Mistake. The Media is Continuing to Mislead – EP16: Knut Wittkowski (ASDERA)
Genetically Modifying Humans to Reverse Aging – Today – EP15: Liz Parrish (BioViva)
In this fifteenth episode, Liz Parrish shares her quest for radical life extension and details her two completed gene therapies. She describes the regenerative medical tourism available today for increased lifespan and costs. She relates her company's mission to create a human that regenerates faster than they degenerate. She details her upcoming gene therapies, including upgraded IQ.
Lee: Hello and welcome to the Quantified Health, Wellness and Aging podcast, Liz. Liz: Thanks for having me, Lee. It’s great to be here. Lee: I greatly appreciate having you. I’ll jump straight in here. In two thousand and… I almost said 2005… 2015, you flew to Bogota, Colombia and you made controversial medical history. You were a self-appointed guinea... Read MoreGenetically Modifying Humans to Reverse Aging – Today – EP15: Liz Parrish (BioViva)
Epigenetic Health Monitoring to Reduce Your Future Illness Risk – EP13: Tom Stubbs (Chronomics)
In this thirteenth episode, Tom Stubbs, Co-Founder/CEO of Chronomics starts with introducing epigenetics. He describes the technology and expertise that he's brought together to create the only company in the world advancing the forefront of epigenetic biomarkers. He explains how their A.I. based health biomarker engine will be used to reduce your risk of future illness.
Lee: Hey, welcome Tom. Tom: Hey, Lee. Thank you for having me on the show. Pleasure to be here and looking forward to chatting with you. Lee: What’s the focus of Chronomics? Tom: We are very much focused on measuring health so people can avoid disease. Lee: Measuring health so that people can avoid disease, that sounds a little bit... Read MoreEpigenetic Health Monitoring to Reduce Your Future Illness Risk – EP13: Tom Stubbs (Chronomics)
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