Tag: Microbiome
Measure Glycans to Know How Much Healthy Life You’ve Already Consumed – EP17: Gordan Lauc (Genos)
In this seventeenth episode, Gordon Lauc introduces glycobiology. He details GlycanAge®, the world’s first direct-to-consumer glycan-based product. He explains that it can quantify how well interventions (e.g. supplements) work for you as an individual, and how much healthy life you’ve got left. Finally he details a potential COVID-19 glycan biomarker to accurately assess your risk.
Lee: Hello Gordan, and welcome to the 17th episode of the Quantified Health, Wellness, and Aging podcast. Gordan: Hi Lee, thank you for the invitation. Lee: Most appreciated. I was surprised that you’re over in Zagreb, which is, I would say about less than 90 minutes away from where I am. Gordan: Well, Zagreb is a nice location. It has... Read MoreMeasure Glycans to Know How Much Healthy Life You’ve Already Consumed – EP17: Gordan Lauc (Genos)
Avoid the Healthcare System for Better Health & Finances – EP14: Dr. William Davis (Undoctored)
In this fourteenth episode, Dr. William Davis shares his view that healthcare is not primarily concerned with our health. Instead it is concerned with profit, even at the expense of our health. He explains that the best way to protect our health and our finances from healthcare is to take our health under our control. And in doing so we can achieve “magnificent health”.
Lee: Hello, and welcome to the show, Dr. William Davis. Bill: Hi Lee. Glad to be here. Lee: I’ve wanted you on for quite a long time. I remember reading your Wheat Belly book many years ago, and then in more recent years your Undoctored book. Bill: Yeah. I’ve said some pretty controversial things, but I pride myself, Lee, on... Read MoreAvoid the Healthcare System for Better Health & Finances – EP14: Dr. William Davis (Undoctored)
Mobile and Wearables for Health, Wellness and Optimal Living Manifesto Draft V1.2
The first draft manifesto has been marginally updated (please see the original for an introductory cover letter). All changes herein were made to improve the readability of the text. No technical changes were made. Already in the pipeline is another version with technical changes 1) clarifying how insurance incentivizes are often not aligned with the long-term health of the individual 2) clarification... Read MoreMobile and Wearables for Health, Wellness and Optimal Living Manifesto Draft V1.2
New Health, Wellness and Optimal Living Economy Manifesto Draft V1.1
(A PDF version of this document is available) “I believe Lee’s Hyper Wellbeing vision is as profound and prophetic as, say, those offered in the 1960s with the rise of cyberspace and hypertext.” — Martin Geddes I’ve spent the past five or so years in wide-ranging contemplation and research. This was a luxury I kindly afforded myself. Attached are 29 informally... Read MoreNew Health, Wellness and Optimal Living Economy Manifesto Draft V1.1
Augmenting Humanity with Machine Learning for Health & Happiness
For a number of years now a dear friend (who’ll remain nameless) has barraged me to write. Today I finally decided to give in under the conditions that it only be a thought snippet or musing (100-700 words) each week day. [April 21, 2016: lets make that 500-1500 words weekly instead] He has lamented that my modus operandi the past... Read MoreAugmenting Humanity with Machine Learning for Health & Happiness