Enabling Access to Continuous Metabolic Data for Personalized Nutrition and Wellbeing
Ashwin Pushpala Sano
The human body is a complex machine that’s unique to each of us. Understanding this uniqueness is vital to understanding your health. But getting to know the ways your body is different from everyone else is challenging. Our mission at Sano is to build an accessible platform featuring wearable sensors and devices, which allow your body to talk to you. We seek to break down the barriers to making healthy choices by providing solutions that are comfortable and easy to use and provide continuous, real time data as you are eating, exercising, and on the go.
Ashwin will detail their first application that will target those who have elevated glucose levels, or half of all U.S. adults. Nearly 26% of the U.S. is on sugar-restricted diets, yet no product exists in the market place that can provide easy-to-measure, continuous and real-time glucose monitoring. He will share how this technology works and how it can help the 110M people who are overweight, 86M pre-diabetics, and the many others who struggle with glucose control and insulin resistance in the U.S.