Molly Maloof
Physician/Technologist/Scientific Wellness Pioneer
Dr. Molly Maloof’s goal is to maximize human potential by dramatically extending human healthspan — the period of a person’s life during which they are generally healthy and free from serious or chronic illness — through medical technology, scientific wellness, and educational media. When she saw the digital revolution transforming medicine she knew she had to be a part of it. Since 2012?,? she has worked as an independent advisor and strategy consultant to over 20 companies in San Francisco and Silicon Valley in industries including biotechnology, digital health and food technology. Her fascination with innovation has transferred into her private medical practice, which is focused on providing health optimization and personalized ?lifestyle ?medicine to her patients. ?Her practice functions as a lab for translating systems biology, data-driven wellness and personal health technologies? for optimizing health. Dr. Molly ?is ?deeply ?passionate about nutrition? and believes the majority of lifestyle related illness in America? can be prevented through reducing dietary risk? factors??.????