Knut M Wittkowski
Coronavirus Lockdowns Were a Mistake. The Media is Continuing to Mislead – EP16: Knut Wittkowski (ASDERA)
In this sixteenth episode, Knut Wittkowski shares his expert view that lockdowns were not necessary. That he can’t figure out a single justification for extending them. That there is no “second wave”.
That there is no viable option other than herd immunity, and that by prolonging the pandemic, we are putting the vulnerable at greater risk.
[This episode was removed within hours of release by YouTube, Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts. It was later reinstated by both Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts. However YouTube have since rejected all appeals, only go far as to state that it violates ‘community standards’]
Topics we discussed in this episode
- [coming soon]
Show links
- ASDERA (Website)
- Neil Ferguson’s Imperial model could be the most devastating software mistake of all time (The Telegraph, Article)
- Government scientist Neil Ferguson resigns after breaking lockdown rules to meet his married lover (The Telegraph, Article)
- ‘The costs are too high’: the scientist who wants lockdown lifted faster (The Guardian, Article)
- Professor Neil Ferguson (Imperial College London)
- Professor Sunetra Gupta (Oxford University)
- Perspectives on the Pandemic | The (Undercover) Epicenter Nurse | Episode Nine (Journeyman Pictures, YouTube)
- A Brief 2-minute look at Viral Seasonal Dynamics (Ivor Cummins, YouTube)
- Ep78 Stanford Professor and Nobel Prize Winner Explains this Viral Lockdown (Ivor Cummins, YouTube)
- Ep81 The Amazing Immunology of our Viral Issue (Ivor Cummins, YouTube)
- COVID-19: The T Cell Story (Blog, Article)
- Professor Sunetra Gupta interview: There’s not enough diversity of opinion on Sage (The Spectator, Article)
- Science clash: Imperial vs Oxford, and the sex smear that created rival Covid-19 studies (The Telegraph, Article)
- Coding that led to lockdown was ‘totally unreliable’ and a ‘buggy mess’, say experts (The Telegraph, Article)
- California Doctors Go on Ingraham Angle, Challenge Official COVID Policy — YOUTUBE THEN TAKES DOWN THEIR VIDEOS! (Article)
- YouTube censors epidemiologist Knut Wittkowski for opposing lockdown (New York Post, Article)
- Swedish official Anders Tegnell says ‘herd immunity’ in Sweden might be a few weeks away (USA Today, Article)
- ‘We could open up again and forget the whole thing’ (Spiked, Article)
- The U.K.’s Coronavirus ‘Herd Immunity’ Debacle (The Atlantic, Article)
- Coronavirus: Hundreds of scientists warn UK government’s response to outbreak ‘risking lives’ (Independent, Article)
- Even while cancelling mass gatherings, the U.K. is still aiming for deliberate ‘herd immunity’ (Fortune, Article)
- Remarks by President Trump, Vice President Pence, and Members of the Coronavirus Task Force in Press Conference (February 26, 2020, White House)
- Lockdown and social distancing could make our immune system weaker, says scientist (The Telegraph, Article)
- Fundamental principles of epidemic spread highlight the immediate need for large-scale serological surveys to assess the stage of the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic (Paper)
- Estimates of the severity of COVID-19 disease (Paper)
- The first three months of the COVID-19 epidemic: Epidemiological evidence for two separate strains of SARS-CoV-2 viruses spreading and implications for prevention strategies (Paper)