Nathan Price
‘Scientific Wellness’ as Dominant Paradigm of 21st Century Healthcare – EP07: Nathan Price (ISB)
In this seventh episode, Nathan Price, Professor & Associate Director of the Institute for Systems Biology, explains the concept and aspiration of ‘scientific wellness’. He predicts that it will become the dominant paradigm of 21st century healthcare.
He explains ‘personal, dense, dynamic data clouds’ will enable both peak wellness and disease avoidance. Possibilities that China may leapfrog the United States.
Topics we discussed in this episode
- What is systems biology
- What are ‘Personal, dense, dynamic data clouds’
- Quantification of health and wellness
- Quantification of disease states and transitions into disease states
- Types of data in a ‘data cloud’
- ‘Dense phenotyping’
- Only 10% of a person’s lifetime health can be attributed back to the healthcare system
- What is ‘scientific wellness’
- Focusing towards the elements that constitute 90% of a person’s lifetime health
- 20th century medicine vs 20th century medicine
- Early triggering and intervention on pre-disease states
- Societal level issues as cause of disease
- The Pioneer 100 Study
- Self empowerment thru knowledge to eliminate for oneself a disease trajectory
- The 100K Wellness Project
- The International Human Phenomics Organization
- China’s deep investment into quantified health and wellness, and early-disease prediction
- The limitations of the American ‘All of Us Program’
- Comparison with Verily’s Project Baseline
- iCarbonX and Human Longevity Incorporated
- China’s lower regulatory burden than the United States
- Large food manufactures must pivot towards quantified health and wellness
- Biological age calculation
- The human genome has been mis-sold to the public
- Democratization of wellness centric healthcare
- ‘Scientific wellness’ will be the dominant paradigm for 21st century medicine
- Healthcare has misaligned economic and health incentives
- Competition of innovation in the healthcare marketplace
- Innovation from outside the current healthcare industry
Show links
- Institute for Systems Biology Website
- Arivale Website
- Scientific Wellness will Drive The Future of Health YouTube Video
- Leroy Hood Wikipedia Entry
- P4 Medicine Landing Page
- A Wellness Study of 108 Individuals Using Personal, Dense, Dynamic Data Clouds Paper
- Institute for Systems Biology and Arivale “Pioneer 100 Study” Press Release
- 100K Wellness Project Wikipedia Entry
- “International Human Phenome Project (Phase I)” Launched in Shanghai Article
- Michael P. Snyder Wikipedia Entry
- Homeostatic Model Assessment WikiPedia Entry
- HOMA Calculator
- We Can Do Better — Improving the Health of the American People Article
- Personal Decisions Are the Leading Cause of Death Paper
- Joseph Antoun Guest Page
- Value-Based medicine: Concepts and Application Paper
- Hacking of the American Mind by Robert Lustig Book
- NIH The All of Us Research Program Website
- Project Baseline Website
- iCarbonX Website
- Human Longevity Inc. Health Nucleus Landing Page